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Packaging film punching machinery
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𐂔𐂕𐂖 𐂗𐂖𐂘𐂙 𐂘𐂙𐂘𐂚 𐂗𐂘𐂛𐂘𐂜𐂝𐂝𐂕𐂛𐂝𐂔𐂛
  • 发货地福建 泉州
  • 发货期限不限
  • 供货总量100台
Packaging film punching machinery

The plastic packaging film is rounded by the mechanical device, the hole spacing and the aperture size are uniform, the needle tip height is uniform, the aperture size (self-adjusting) and the hole arrangement are customized as needed, and the perforated film is widely used in bread, food, flowers Packaging materials such as medical beauty, desiccant packaging, deoxidizer packaging and punching, and industrial perforated and breathable products cover the punching field of many industries. Quanzhou Xiangfei Machinery provides high standard and high quality punching for different plastic packaging film materials. Equipment.
Equipment structure: tension control unwinding device, heating pin roller punching device, output device, correcting deviation and automatic winding. High production efficiency, simple operation, adjustment Convenient. The machine, electricity and gas are integrated and the design is perfect.

The film punching needle roller has high precision, uniform hole spacing and aperture size, uniform needle tip height, aperture size (self-adjusting) and hole type arrangement according to customer requirements. The perforated film is widely used in packaging films such as bread, food, flowers, beauty mask ventilation, desiccant packaging, deoxidizer packaging and punching, and industrial perforated and breathable products, covering the field of film punching in many industries. The perforated heating needle roller mold assembly device is directly installed on the original mechanical equipment of the plastic film slitting machine (slitting machine), the film blowing machine, the laminating machine, the printing machine and the like, and the hole is produced, and the efficiency is high. Easy to operate and easy to adjust. Quanzhou Xiangfei Machinery Telephone (fax) 86-0595-22392190 Contact 13808545457 Email: xfjx123@163.com

鲤城区翔飞机械装配厂 进入首页

专业生产制造:包装薄膜多功能打孔分切机,包装薄膜打孔机,塑料薄膜穿孔机,塑料薄膜打孔针辊,薄膜打孔加热针辊模具总成,分切机吹膜机增添打孔装置,脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机,热暖包装膜透气打孔机、医疗护垫透气打孔机、薄膜烫孔加热针辊、包装膜微孔针辊,塑料薄膜打孔机生产线,包装薄膜打孔加工机械设备,无纺布打孔机。 鲤城区翔飞机械装配厂

企业类型 个人独资企业 注册资本 80.00万人民币
公司注册地址 福建省泉州市鲤城区 统一社会信用代码 92350502MA30385NoR
登记机关 工商行政管理局 法定代表人 林翔飞
公司成立日期 2011-03-31 营业期限 2031-03-31
经营范围 包装薄膜多功能打孔分切机,包装薄膜打孔机,塑料薄膜穿孔机,塑料薄膜打孔针辊,薄膜打孔加热针辊模具总成,分切机吹膜机增添打孔装置,脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机,热暖包装膜透气打孔机、医疗护垫透气打孔机、薄膜烫孔加热针辊、包装膜微孔针辊,塑料薄膜打孔机生产线,包装薄膜打孔加工机械设备,无纺布打孔机。 泉州鯉城區翔飛機械裝配廠
𐂔𐂕𐂖 𐂗𐂖𐂘𐂙 𐂘𐂙𐂘𐂚
  • 电       话 𐂗𐂘𐂛𐂘𐂜𐂝𐂝𐂕𐂛𐂝𐂔𐂛
  • 传       真 0595-22392190
  • 地       址 福建 泉州 鲤城区 西街五塔巷48号
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