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𐀑𐀒𐀓 𐀓𐀔𐀒𐀓 𐀕𐀕𐀖𐀔 𐀑𐀒𐀓𐀓𐀔𐀒𐀓𐀕𐀕𐀖𐀔
  • 发货地重庆 南岸区
  • 发货期限14天内发货
  • 供货总量888888套
加工定制:是是否支持一件代发:支持适用场景:健身器材、 健身美体、 骑行运动、 场地游艺设备



The team of Carve and Omgeving (design) and Krinkels (contractor) won the international competition to design an adventurous play-scape and landmark on a 'terril' in Beringen, Belgium, in January 2015. The adventure mountain is part of the touristic, recreative project be-MINE, that aims to breathe new life into the monumental coalmining site in Beringen, the largest industrial-archeological site in Flanders. The former mining city asked to add new function to the 60 meter high rubble mountain, and to redevelop the old industrial buildings into a cultural hotspot where its history can be experienced in a playful way.


The spectacular scale of this site – regarding both the height of the terril as well as its industrial heritage – is unique in the relatively at surrounding landscape of Limburgian-Flanders. The intervention is a landmark on a large scale, but through its playable character it also reflects the small scale of a child. The values of the industrial heritage have been a continuous leading theme in the design process that resulted in an unprecedented playscape. The mining 'terril' has been given a new meaning, rooted in both the past and the future.


The design consists of three parts, that create a unity with the mountain and its past: a pole forest as a landmark, an adventurous prismatic play surface on the flank of the mountain and a coal square on the top of the 'terril'. The spine of the ensemble is a straight stairs that provides access to all levels. At night, a light line along the stairs makes the topography of the terril visible.

回应历史的树干森林 Pole forest as reference to the mining past


The topography of the landscape has regained structure and is made visible by a pole forest: 1.600 timber poles are anchored in the northern flank of the terril, from top to bottom. The rounded poles refer to the mining past; they were used for supporting the kilometres long underground mining shafts. It is a strong spatial gesture and an intervention that relates to the scale of the hill and the industrial heritage on this location.

▽ 1600根木杆井然有序地整齐排列,覆盖了terril山体北侧的一面, 1.600 timber poles are anchored in the northern flank of the terril, from top to bottom


A part between the poles has been dedicated to an adventurous play course with balancing beams, climbing nets, hammocks, a labyrinth and a rope course. The poles are placed in a grid, which results in an interesting perspective effect: the sightlines create an experience that reminds of the dark mining shafts of the past.

▽ 树干森林中的一部分场地为游戏场地,a part between the poles has been dedicated to an adventurous play course

梯形游戏场地 Prismatic playsurface

一块梯形场地镶嵌在树干森林的中部,形成了一个巨大的游乐场地。场地的表面顺着山坡褶皱起伏,随之产生的变幻光影在远处亦清晰可见。越往高处,梯形的场地变得愈发狭窄,而在山脚,它则如同割裂的碎片般洒落在树干森林之中。起伏的空间与穿插其中的爬行隧道、攀爬墙提供了多样化的游戏方式。其中最引人注意的,当属半山腰上穿插在游乐场地中长达20米的巨大滑梯。孩子们在不同的游戏场地中玩耍 – 攀爬、滑落、躲藏和探索。埋藏在斜坡下的隧道纵横交错,仿佛是过去错综复杂矿井的重现。

Wedged in between the pole forest lies a large, prismatically shaped play surface. It has been 'draped' over the terril, following its heightlines – a gesture that is visible from afar. The surface is a challenging object, that narrows down to the top and 'crumbles' at the foot of the hill. This tectonic landscape offers space to an endless variation of play options, and is scattered with crawling tunnels, climbing surfaces with climbing grips and 'giant stairs'. Its spectacular highlight is the more than twenty meters long slide, which is placed halfway up the hill and is integrated within the relief of the concrete play surface. The various prismatic surfaces invite children to climb, slide, hide and discover. The surface consists of sloped, horizontal and vertical crossings, inspired by the underground mining shafts.

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公司成立日期 2018-11-06 营业期限 2018-11-06 至 无固定期限
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𐀑𐀒𐀓 𐀓𐀔𐀒𐀓 𐀕𐀕𐀖𐀔
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