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  • 发货地广东 深圳
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  • 供货总量20桶
型号:AeroShell Grease 6# 7# 14# 22# 33# 33MS品牌:Shell类别:航空润滑脂
货号:AeroShell Grease 6# 7# 14# 22# 33# 33MS锥入度:290 273 275 297 288滴点:260 150 260 215 230
针入度:287 269 270 290 281mm稠化剂类型:聚脲基润滑脂应用领域:航空用脂
AeroShell Grease 33MS,壳牌6#航空润滑脂,AeroShell Grease 7

AeroShell Grease 33MS,壳牌6#航空润滑脂,AeroShell Grease 7经销商推荐深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司。

深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司,从2011后成立以来一直是埃克森EXXON MOBIL石油公司旗下的Mobil、埃索ESSO润滑油授权经销商。同时经营的有:壳牌润滑油Shell、加德士润滑油CALTEXBP、嘉实多润滑油Castrol、道达尔TOTAL、埃尔夫润滑油ELF、克鲁勃KLUBER、福斯润滑油FUCHS、美国威氏Lubriplate润滑油、沃尔沃润滑油VOLVO、美国阿克苏抗燃油Fyrquel EHC PLUS电力液压控制液、好富顿Houghton、长城等工业润滑油、润滑脂、食品级润滑油、船舶润滑油及白油。产品广泛应用于车辆、船舶、航空、特种工业设备、钢铁、食品等多个领域。

壳牌6#通用航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 6 

壳牌7#多用途航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 7

壳牌14#钙皂航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 14 

壳牌22#合成航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 22 

壳牌33#合成航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 33 

壳牌33MS合成航空润滑脂 AeroShell Grease 33MS 

壳牌FENELLA CSS 200有色金属轧制油 Shell Fenella CSS 200

壳牌FENELLA CSS 200 LV轧制油 Shell Fenella CSS 200 LV

壳牌Additive EP 200不锈钢轧制油 Shell Additive EP 200

壳牌Fenella D 424成型拉伸油 Shell Fenella Oil D 424   

壳牌Fenella SRC 855 SI水溶性多辊轧机轧制油 Shell Fenella SRC 855 Si

壳牌Finstock RF 190铝合金冲压油 Shell Finstock RF 190

壳牌Finstock RF 270铝合金冲压成型油 Shell Finstock Oil RF 270

壳牌Proformer K18B铝箔翅片冲压油 Shell Proformer Oil K18B

壳牌箔复美RF 530铝合金拉伸油 Shell Proformer RF 530

壳牌机械设备冲洗油 Shell Flushing Oil

壳牌Naturelle S4 100可生物降解艉轴润滑油Shell Naturelle S4 Stern Tube Fluid 100

壳牌工业冲洗油 Shell Flushing 32 Oil

壳牌Tetra 32机械油 Shell Tetra 2 10 22 32 46 68

壳牌气动工具油S2 A系列 Shell Tool S2 A 32 100 150 220

壳牌***防冻液(OAT)-30℃ Shell Long Life-OAT Antifreeze/Coolant -30℃ 

壳牌***防冻液(OAT)-45℃ Shell Long Life-OAT Antifreeze/Coolant -45℃

壳牌真空泵油S1 R 32 68 Shell Vacuum Pump S1 R 32 68

壳牌真空泵油8A 15A Shell Vacuum Pump 8A 15A

壳牌真空泵油S2 R 68 Shell Vacuum Pump Oil S2 R 68

壳牌1航空液压油 AeroShell Fluid 1

壳牌3航空液压油 AeroShell Fluid 3

壳牌4号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 4

壳牌12号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 12

壳牌16号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 16

壳牌31号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 31

壳牌41号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 41

壳牌51号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 51

壳牌61号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 61

壳牌71号航空液压油 Shell Aero fluid 71

AeroShell Grease 6 is a general purpose grease composed of a mineral oilthickened with Microgel , possessing good all-round properties within alimited range. lt is inhibited against oxidation and corrosion and has goodwater resistance and low noise capability.

The useful operating femperature range is -40 to +121.


AeroShell Grease 14 is a helicopter muli-purpose grease composed of a mineral oil thickened with a calcium soap,possessing outstanding anti-fret and anti-moisture corrosion properties. lt is oxidation and corrosion inhibited.The useful operating temperature range is -54 to +93.


AeroShell Grease 22 is a versatile advanced general purpose grease composed of a synthetic hydrocarbon oil thickened with Microgel&, with outstanding performance characleristics. Appropriate additives are included to achievethe necessary oxidation and corrosion resistance, anti-wear properties and load carrying properties.The useful operating temperature range is -65 to+204°℃.


AeroShell Grease 33 is a synthetic universal airframe grease composed of a lithium complex thickened synthetic baseoil with corrosion and oxidation inhibitors and load carrying additives.

The useful operating temperature range is -73 to+121.


AeroShell Grease 33MS comprises AeroShell Grease 33 fortified with 5% molybdenum disulphide.It possesses theenhanced anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties of AeroShell Grease 33 with the added EP (Extreme Pressure)properties provided by the addition of a solid lubricant.

The useful operating temperature range is -73 to+121.

AeroShell Fluid 1 is a light lubricating mineral oil containing, by specification, less than 0.10% mass stearic acid.


AeroShell Fluid 3 is a general purpose mineral lubricating oil recommended for general lubrication of aircraft partsthat require a light oil with good low temperature characteristics and a low freezing point. It is inhibited againstoxidation and corrosion.AeroShell Fluid 3 is a relatively low viscosity product with good resistance to evaporation.


AeroShell Fluid 12 is a low volatility synthetic ester oil used in aircraft instruments and also for the general lubricationof aircraft. It is oxidation and corrosion inhibited, and possesses good high and low temperature characteristics.


AeroShell Fluid 41 is a mineral hydraulic oil manufactured to a very high level of cleanliness, and possesses improvedfluid properties. AeroShell Fluid 41 contains additives which provide excellent low temperature fluidity as well asexceptional anti-wear , oxidation - corrosion inhibition and shear stability. In addition metal de-activators and foaminhibitors are included in this high viscosity index fluid to enhance performance in hydraulic applications. AeroShellFluid 41 is capable of wide temperature range operation. AeroShell Fluid 41 is dyed red.

深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司 进入首页

深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司,从2011年成立以来一直是埃克森EXXON MOBIL石油公司旗下的Mobil、埃索ESSO润滑油授权经销商。同时经营的有:SHELL、加德士润滑油CALTEX、福斯润滑油FUCHS、道达尔润滑油TOTAL、埃尔夫润滑油ELF、BP润滑油、嘉实多润滑油Castrol、美国威氏Lubriplate润滑油、沃尔沃润滑油VOLVO、长城等国内外***工业润滑油(脂)及船舶润滑油。产品广泛应用于车辆、船舶、航空、特种工业设备、钢铁、食品等多个领域。 深圳市鑫贝利贸易有限公司,公司依托埃克森美孚、壳牌等强大的品牌优势。不断进取、勇于创新,不断拓展与完善服务网络提升企业实力。帮助客户合理的挑选油品、降低库存的同时降低成本,提高效益。现已发展为***竞争力的进口品牌润滑油经销商。真正的做到“服务***、至诚至信、稳健进取、价格合理”的承诺。 我们的目标:提供给客户更加完整的技术支持及售后服务 我们的价值观:诚实正直、尊重他人、团队合作、积极进取

企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资) 注册资本 50.00万人民币
公司注册地址 深圳市龙华区大浪街道陶元社区元芬新村65号305 统一社会信用代码 914403005776553942
登记机关 深圳市市场监督管理局 法定代表人 龙和连
公司成立日期 2011-06-18 营业期限 2011-06-18 至 无固定期限
经营范围 一般经营项目是:润滑油的购销;国内贸易(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外);货物及技术进出口(法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外;法律、行政法规限制的项目须取得许可后方可经营)。,许可经营项目是:
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