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𐀶𐀷𐀸 𐀹𐀺𐀹𐀸 𐀻𐀻𐀼𐀸
  • 发货地广东 东莞
  • 发货期限10天内发货
  • 供货总量800000条
型号:3#、 4#、 5#、 8#、 10#功能:自锁适用范围:服装、 服饰、 家纺、 鞋靴、 箱包
Long-term production and sales of LCB Zipper

The modern zipper - an integral part of fashion accessories - is more than just joining gadget. With almost half a century of expertise in zipper manufacturing, LCB makes the best quality zippers globally for valued clients. 

 Founded in the 1980s in Hong Kong, where we are still headquartered, LCB has successfully developed into an international company, having set up production bases in China and Canada. Our production spectrum now includes tape weaving, color dyeing, sliders making, scoop forming and full assembling - a one-stop shop for all zipper buyers. 

 Our dedicated staff are technically well trained and have earned a sound reputation from customers for their professional sales services. All our experienced front-line representatives are ready to cater to each customers specific requirements. 

 LCBs has established a global marketing network to serve with nominated by the world famous buyers such as Sears, Roots, Reitmans, Cleo, Costco, Simon Chang, Corwik, Vivarte SAS锛圓ndre锛, Carrefour, Jennyfer,Lindex, Kappahl, Gina Tricot, Myer, JeansWest, Charming, Charles Vogele and FILA. 

 Buyers whose are highly trust to LCB quality such as: Ash, Bestseller, Carlo Castello, Celio, Dkny, Esprit, Fover21, Id Wear, Kombi, Koyojeans, Lija, Lidl, Lululemon, Mec(Mountain Co-op), Mango, Mac(Tommie Fashion), Rohmir, Rohmir, Rudsak, Second Skin, Slant Six, Sunice, Trimark and Topshop. 

 LCB produce are including Metal scoop forming, Plastic molding and Coiling zipper, the range are as:

1, Metal zipper - #3, #4, #5, #8 and #10, with 鈥淵鈥 type teeth, suitable for jacket and jeans. 

2, Plastic zipper - #3, #5, #8 and #10, with difference color such as; transparent, adjacence color, vacuum plating suitable for down jacket. 

3, Coil zipper - #3, #4, #5, #8 and #10, suitable for pant, shirt, casual wear and shoe. 

4, Invisible zipper - #3, #4, #4.5 and #5, with woven and lace tape; suitable for dress and down jacket. 

5, Water-proof zipper - #3, #5, #8 and #10, with shiny, dull and multi colour finish; suitable for outdoor sport wear. 

 LCB is also proud to be one of the zipper manufacturers to create environmental friendly products such as non-ferrous zipper, nickel-free zipper and AZO dye-free zipper, low lead level plastic zipper and low cadmium zipper as well as products with lead-less enamel baking paint. 

 In children wear category, LCB has developed a special puller to reassure children in twisting off the puller and safety top stop is absolutely safe. This design is also made to avoid the slider slipping out. These developments have gained good appraisal from European and US buyers. 

 Under such joint endeavors of quality control and management, LCB in 2002 was issued ISO9001: 2000 - an endorsement and recognition of pursuit of excellence in our service and product quality. 

东莞市诺普拉链服饰有限公司 进入首页

發展沿革:东莞市诺普拉链服饰有限公司躋身於服裝產業***發展時期,並秉承配套世界高級服裝與買家長期合作共同研發解決關於拉鍊配套的產品與工藝的新課題,生產基地於2006年建立於中國歷史名鎮時裝之都---虎門。 LCB工作人員都通過嚴格的技朮培訓,隨時為客戶提供專業服務,協調客戶在設計、生產及使用方面的多元化需求。LCB的宗旨是:以客為尊,提供專業、完善、高效服務! 客戶群: “LCB”產品遠銷歐洲、美國、加拿大、孟加拉、巴基斯坦、越南、柬埔寨、澳大利亞、香港等地區,並長期和以下國際***客戶保持良好合作:加拿大的Sears、Roots、Reitmans、Cleo、Costco、Simon Chang、Corwik;法國的Andre、Carrefour;瑞典的Lindex、Kappahl、Gina Tricot;澳洲的Myer、JeansWest;中國的真維斯;美國的Charming等等。 產品類型: LCB專業產品涵蓋金屬、塑膠及尼龍拉鍊,包括拉頭製造、植齒成型、模具及特殊拉片開發等。“LDL”品牌拉鍊包括: 1.金屬拉鍊, #3、#4、#5、#7、#8、#10,有Y型齒、玉米齒、不銹鋼齒,適用於茄克、休閒服、牛仔褲及高檔皮具箱包。 2.膠牙拉鍊, #3、#5、#8、#10,有配色齒、透明齒、撞色齒、真空電鍍仿金屬色齒,適用於羽絨服、童裝類。 3.尼龍拉鍊, #3、#4、#5、#8、#10,適用於西褲、輕服、鞋類、箱包及家紡產品。 4.隱形拉鍊, #3、#4、#4.5、#5,有人字紋、網紋(蕾絲),適用於裙裝及羽絨服。 5.防水拉鍊,#3、#5、#8、#10,有亮面、啞面、變色幻彩面,同時還可以提供金屬齒、膠牙、尼龍齒貼防水布之拉鍊,適用於戶外休閒運動服裝。 品質標準: LCB---環保及安全拉鍊的先驅製造廠!LCB生產的環保及安全拉鍊系列中,所有拉鍊都不含鎳及偶氮染料。在塑膠和尼龍拉鍊產品上,鎘、聚氯乙烯及烤漆的含鉛量均低於國際認可水準。LCB安全拉鍊包括:通過檢針機測試的安全拉鍊,拉鍊頭在使用中不會滑脫的保險拉鍊,最早設計及提供兒童安全使用的特殊扭力拉鍊頭拉鍊,耐洗水古銅拉鍊,防水拉鍊等。 整個生產過程都有嚴謹和完善的生產及質控管理,所有拉鍊均受嚴格標準監控。以確保其精確度符合客戶要求並達到國際檢定水準:歐標BS3084、歐標Oeko-Tex 100、美標ASTM 2061。“LCB”---高檔品牌拉鍊! 联系人:李斌阳 13827289908

企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资) 注册资本 100.00万人民币
公司注册地址 广东省东莞市厚街镇绿洲路27号408室 统一社会信用代码 91441900MA51NK9Y2A
登记机关 东莞市市场监督管理局 法定代表人 李求雨
公司成立日期 2018-05-14 营业期限 长期有效
经营范围 一般项目:服装辅料制造;服装辅料销售;服饰制造;服装制造;服装服饰批发;箱包制造;箱包销售;鞋帽批发;制鞋原辅材料销售;橡胶制品销售;货物进出口;技术进出口。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)
𐀶𐀷𐀸 𐀹𐀺𐀹𐀸 𐀻𐀻𐀼𐀸
  • 地       址 广东 东莞 虎门镇 南栅工业二区
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